In a modern-day marketing environment, it’s essential to provide a seamless mobile website experience for your customers. It’s imperative for success. Not only is mobile dominating search, social media and online shopping, smartphone use also continues to grow, meaning a responsive website that works across devices is imperative. These numbers tell a compelling story:
- Mobile search is the future and 72% of Consumers Want Mobile-Friendly Sites, Google Research indicated.
- 79% of Australians own a smartphone, so it’s no wonder it’s the dominant device for users under 55.
- There has been a 35% year-on-year increase in Australian household ownership with 59% of Australian households having access to a tablet compared with 44% in 2014.
- Collectively, Australians look at their smartphones more than 440 million times a day.
- More than half the population checks their smartphone within 15 minutes of waking up for the day.
Source: Deloitte Mobile Consumer Survey 2015
With Google changing its algorithm to favour good mobile content, it’s in a brand’s best interest to log on and find out how user friendly your business website is – a process that’s way easier than it sounds. Trust us. Google has developed a search to get you started. It’s as simple as entering your current website URL, or landing page, and seeing how it scores. Give it a go: